Barossa Women’s Artist Residency 2025

The Barossa Regional Gallery, supported by the Barossa Council and funding from the Barossa community, is pleased to launch the 2025 Barossa Women’s Artist Residency program, specifically inviting mid-career and established female artists to apply. Subject to funding, the Residency may be across all artforms, be open to artists from Australia and overseas and be a minimum of 4 weeks and maximum of 6 weeks in length at a maximum, depending on project funding.

One artist will be selected to take part in the residency program.

The 2025 Residency will take place between 1 October 2025 and 5th November 2025, with some opportunity for negotiation of start and finish dates between the residency recipient and the Barossa Regional Gallery.

Expressions of interest close midnight Friday 31st May, 2025.

Closes Midnight, Barossa local time
Friday 31st May


It will come as no surprise to many that women are largely under-represented within the artistic landscape.

Only 4% of modern artists in the Metropolitan Museum of Art collection are Female, whilst female subjects making represent 72% of the nudes in the gallery!

A report underta­ken by Other Words & Artnet News indicated that collections from 18 major art institutions were both 85% white and 87% male. And despite our recognition of these statistics, it doesn’t appear to be changing with just 2% of global art auction spending on work by female artists.

Whilst the Barossa Women’s Artist Residency will have very little capacity to change this situation significantly, we feel that small changes can have incremental change impact that is worthwhile.

This initiative provides an opportunity rarely offered exclusively to female artists and will help them to build more sustainable careers.

It is important to note that the residency, whilst only open to women, will not have an overtly feminist focus in terms of content or engagement.

It is expected that the artists will come from all walks of life and they will be free to focus the residency on whatever practice themes they wish.

  • 2023 Barossa Women’s Artist in Residence: Belinda Wilson, Melbourne VIC
  • 2024 Barossa Women’s Artist in Residence: Ruth Murray, Manchester UK

In early 2023, donations were sought from women who live or work in the Barossa as a priority but not exclusively. Donations were also welcome from men who live or work in the region who wished to contribute and reflect the relevant values in relation to gender equity.

The inaugural donors have committed to donating $500 per year for three years, ensuring that the Barossa Women’s Artist Residency program runs annually in 2023, 2024 and 2025.

The Barossa Council has committed to in-kind support of the program, valued at approximately $4000 to $5000, with the Barossa Regional Gallery managing the programming and administration of this new arts project.

  • To establish a much sought-after international artist residency program in the Barossa that brings exceptional artists and artmaking to the region.
  • To provide established female artists with an opportunity to experiment and grow their practice in a focused way within the environs of the Barossa region, creating work that is created in the context of and will potentially respond to “place”.
  • Raising the profile of female artists and increasing the likelihood of them developing long and sustained careers.
  • To raise the profile of the Barossa as a premiere arts and culture destination.
  • To provide local artists, businesses, schools and community groups with an opportunity to engage with professional artists of national and international standing.

Who Can Apply


Women, or people that identify as women, over the age of 18 are eligible to apply.

  • entrants who are of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent and welcomed and encouraged to apply
  • Applicants must be professional practising mid career or established artists*
  • Applicants must be from (currently reside) outside of the Barossa Region, more than 40km from the Barossa Regional Gallery as the crow flies.
  • entrants must be eligible to travel to Australia as defined by the Australian Government’s The Department of Home Affairs.
  • entrants must hold a valid Working With Children Check pursuant to section 4 of the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 (the Act).**

It is strongly advised that applicants hold their own Australian or international driver’s license, as alternative transport options in the region are limited.

*As defined by National Association for the Visual Arts Creative Career Stages — NAVA Code of Practice (

** Persons from overseas will not have an identity within SA. In these circumstances, we will ask you to sign a Statutory Declaration (and have it witnessed by a Justice of the Peace) declaring that you have not been charged or convicted of any child-related offences.

Residency Conditions


The residency is expected to be for 4 – 6 weeks but this may be split into two periods or possibly extended subject to funding.


Artists from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.


This residency program is intended for one artist.

By negotiation, other family members may be considered to stay at the accommodation at their own cost. The negotiation of terms in relation to duration and capacity is essential prior to commencement of residency.

Residency Fee and Payment

Subject to funding, the 2025 residency will be valued at $15,000 (incl. GST) which includes

  • accommodation / studio space provided for the artist (a $500 bond will be held to the end of the residency)
  • stipend towards weekly living costs and the cost of materials.

Stipend payment will be made in three stages, subject to the duration of the residency.

  • $3,000 at the commencement of the residency
  • $4,000 at the half way mark
  • A final payment of $3,000 (including bond) will be paid following an inspection of the accommodation / studio space and the receipt of the artist’s report.

The artist understands that no other fees or payments will be owed to them.

Expenses Paid By Artist
  • Own materials
  • Public liability insurance – The artist must take out and maintain public liability insurance in relation to the residency, in an amount of at least one million dollars (unless otherwise agreed)
  • Incidentals and transport

The Barossa Council accepts no responsibility for loss our damages to any personal property owned by the artist that is used during the residency.


The artist is responsible for their own transport. A car may be required.


A refundable bond of $500 will be retained for the duration of the residency. The refundable bond covers any costs associated with damage or extraordinary cleaning that is required as a result of residency.

Expectations of the Artist

The artist will live and work in the region for the duration of the residency, focusing on the development of their own practice in the context of the Barossa landscape, people and culture.

Creative Outcomes

The residency will have a public outcome either at the conclusion of the residency or at a later date as agreed by the residency organisers and the participating artist. For example, a visual artist may come back in 6 months time to exhibit their work, or a performance artist may present a short presentation of work at the conclusion of the residency.

Community Engagement

The artist will be expected to participate in 4 public programs whilst they are here – possibly one per week. This may include a workshop or masterclass, mentoring a local artist, presenting an artist talk and or education session with a school.


The artist will be required to complete an artistic report, for submission at the completion of the residency period.


Expressions of interest will be sought from artists in relation to the residency with an expectation that they will supply a proposal detailing what they would like to achieve as part of their residency, their CV and examples of their work.

Selection Procedure

An assessment panel is formulated each year by the Barossa Regional Gallery each year to select the resident artist. The assessment panel will be made up of local arts industry professionals and 3 – 4 members from the Donor Pool. Each year donors will be invited to participate in the assessment process if they wish, with a view to changing donor personnel each year.

The shortlisted artists will be contacted by phone or alternate communication method after the panel has completed their assessment to discuss any questions arising from the assessment to support decision making.


The Barossa Regional Gallery together with The Barossa Council and project sponsors and stakeholders acknowledge and respect the Ngadjuri, Peramangk and Kaurna people and their ancestral connection to land and pays respects to Elders past, present and emerging.